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- Glagolica Fonts & Co.
- {{indexmenu_n>1}} =======Glagolica Fonts & Co.======= \\ \\ \\ \\ <html> <font size=+2>Willkommen auf der Webseite für Liebhaber der Glagolica</font> </html> \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ {{ :glagolica_zagreb_cathedral.jpg?300|die Glagolica in der Kathedrale von Zagreb (klicken für Vergrößerung)}} ==== Erste
- Glagolica Fonts & Co. @en
- ======Glagolica Fonts & Co.====== \\ \\ \\ \\ <html> <font size=+2>Welcome to the website for Glagolica lovers</font> </html> \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ {{ :glagolica_zagreb_cathedral.jpg?300|Glagolica scripture at the cathedral of Zagreb (click for zoom)}} ==== Getting to
- Glagolica Beispiele
- {{indexmenu_n>6}} ===== Glagolica Beispiele ===== {{ :glagolica_baska_tablet.jpg?550 |Tafel von Baška}} \\ {{ :glagolica_1.print_book_1483.jpg?600 |First croatian printed book from 1483}} \\ ^ \\ eckige Glagolica\\ \\ ^ | {{:glagolica_uglata.jpg?825
- Font »Glagolica Missal DPG« @en
- {{indexmenu_n>2}} ===== Font »Glagolica Missal DPG« ===== \\ \\ \\ \\ The lower case letters of the font "Glagolica Missal DPG" are oriented on the "Missal from 1483... ery Slavonic text can easily be converted to the "Glagolica Missal DPG" font.\\ \\ The font is dedicated to the "Association of the Friends of the Glagolica (DPG)"\\ for their exemplary efforts regarding th
- Glagolica Examples @en
- {{indexmenu_n>6}} ===== Glagolica Examples ===== {{ :glagolica_baska_tablet.jpg?550 |the Baška tablet}} \\ {{ :glagolica_1.print_book_1483.jpg?600 |First croatian printed book from 1483}} \\ ^ \\ angular Glagolica\\ \\ ^ | {{:glagolica_uglata.jpg?825
- Font »Glagolica Missal DPG« @hr
- {{indexmenu_n>2}} ===== Font »Glagolica Missal DPG« ===== \\ \\ \\ "Glagolica Missal DPG" je font čije se minuskule oslanjaju na one iz "Misala od 1... uće svakog slavenskog teksta konvertirati u font "Glagolica Missal DPG". Font je posvećen Društvu prijatelja... roučavanju glagoljice. Radi toga je font nazvan "Glagolica Missal DPG". \\ \\ \\ \\ ==== Tablica slova ===
- Handgeschriebenes
- indexmenu_n>7}} =====Handgeschriebenes===== {{:glagolica_comparison.jpg?820|das "Vater unser" in drei Varianten: links in der runden Glagolica, mittig in der eckigen Glagolica und rechts in der kursiven Glagolica}} \\ {{:nocna_muzika_la_musica_di_notte.jpg|Noćna muzika - La musica
- Font »Glagolica Missal DPG«
- {{indexmenu_n>2}} ===== Font »Glagolica Missal DPG« ===== \\ \\ „Glagolica Missal DPG“ ist ein Font, dessen Minuskeln sich am „Missal von 1483“ orie... u jeden slawischen Text ganz einfach in den Font „Glagolica Missal DPG“ konvertieren. \\ \\ Der Font ist der „Gemeinschaft der Freunde der Glagolica (DPG)“ gewidmet, \\ für deren beispielhafte Arbei
- Primjeri glagoljice @hr
- xmenu_n>6}} ===== Primjeri glagoljice ===== {{ :glagolica_baska_tablet.jpg?550 |Baščanska ploća}} \\ {{ :glagolica_1.print_book_1483.jpg?600 |First croatian printed... \\ uglata Glagoljica\\ \\ ^ | {{:glagolica_uglata.jpg?825|uglata glagoljica}} | \\ ^ ... lagoljskog teksta, str. 48.//\\ \\ | | {{ :glagolica_hrvatski_oblici.jpg?412 |Oblici hrvatske glagolji
- Handwritings @en
- {{indexmenu_n>7}} =====Handwritings===== {{:glagolica_comparison.jpg?820|"Our Father" in three written variants of the Glagolica; the rounded Glagolica (left), the angular Glagolica (middle) and the cursive Glagolica (right)}} \\ {{:nocna_muzika_la_musica_di
- Links
- {{indexmenu_n>9}} =====Links===== ====Glagolica==== [[|Gesellschaft der Freunde der Glagolica]]\\ [[ t/etf/kurziv.html|Kleiner Einstieg in die kursive Glagolica]]\\ \\ [[|S... institut (Altslawisches Institut)]]\\ \\ [[wpde>Glagolica|Glagolitische Schrift auf Wikipedia]]\\ \\ [[htt
- Font »Croatica« @en
- =====Font »Croatica«===== \\ \\ ====About the Glagolica Font==== \\ As I began to develop the font I als... es could and should done for the expansion of the Glagolica unicode. \\ \\ It is my wish that the font be m... opic. \\ \\ \\ ====Font "Croatica"==== \\ {{:glagolica_font_croatica.jpg?810|Font table }} \\ \\ \\ ====Example of the font "Croatica"==== \\ {{:glagolica_example_en.jpg?810|Script example}} \\ [[http://
- Links @en
- {{indexmenu_n>9}} =====Links===== ====Glagolica==== [[|Soc... etf/kurziv.html|Small introduction to the cursive Glagolica]]\\ \\ [[|Old Church Slavonic Institute]]\\ \\ [[wp>Glagolica|Glagolitic script on Wikipedia]]\\ \\ [[http://w... -for-Windows.html|Article in CROWN about the font Glagolica Missal DPG]]\\ \\ [[http://www.croatianhistory.n
- Font »Croatica«
- nsortium für die Erweiterung des Unicodes für die Glagolica geleistet werden.\\ \\ Es ist mein Wunsch, daß ... load]] \\ ====Tabelle der Buchstaben==== \\ {{:glagolica_font_croatica.jpg?810|Font-Tabelle }} \\ \\ ==... chriftbeispiel für den Font "Croatica"==== \\ {{:glagolica_example_de.jpg?810|Schriftbeispiel}} \\ [[http:/...|{{:font:glagolica_key-map.jpg?120|Download Tastaturbelegung}}]] |T
- Font »Croatica« @hr
- \\ \\ \\ \\ ==== Font »Croatica« ==== \\ {{:glagolica_font_croatica.jpg?810|Font tablica}} \\ \\ ===... mjer teksta pisanog fontom »Croatica« ==== \\ {{:glagolica_example_hr.jpg?800| Example }} \\ [[http://hr.wi...|{{:font:glagolica_key-map.jpg?120|download key-map}}]] |download ra