Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- ection name behind a hash character as known from HTML. This links to [[syntax#internal|this Section]]. ... haracters or strings into images or other text or HTML. The text to image conversion is mainly done for smileys. And the text to HTML conversion is used for typography replacements, but can be configured to use other HTML as well. ==== Text to Image Conversions ==== Do
- Font VeleBit @hidden
- VeleBit====== **Updated 25.07.2024** \\ \\ \\ ^<html> <font color=blue size=+1>download-pakage for font VeleBit-Regular </html> ^ |[[... file-zip-icon-6848.png?65|Download}}]]| \\ \\ ^<html> <font color=blue size=+1>download-pakage for font VeleBit-Italic </html> ^ |[[
- Links
- = [[|Gesellschaft der Freunde der Glagolica]]\\ [[|Croatian Glagolitic Script]]\\ [[|Kleiner Einstieg in die kursive Glagolica]]\\ \\ ... om-Germany-created-a-new-Croatian-Glagolitic-font.html|Artikel in CROWN über den Font Croatica]]\\ \\ [
- Linkovi @hr
- = [[|Društvo prijatelja glagoljice]]\\ [[|Croatian Glagolitic Script]]\\ [[|Mala početnica kurzivne glagoljice]]\\ \\ [[http... om-Germany-created-a-new-Croatian-Glagolitic-font.html|Članak u CROWN-u o fontu Croatica]]\\ \\ [[http
- Links @en
- = [[|Society of friends of the glagolitic script]]\\ [[|Croatian Glagolitic Script]]\\ [[|Small introduction to the cursive Glagolica]]\\ \... om-Germany-created-a-new-Croatian-Glagolitic-font.html|Article in CROWN about the font Croatica]]\\ \\
- Glagoljički Fontovi & Co. @hr
- =====Glagoljički Fontovi & Co.====== \\ \\ \\ \\ <html> <font size=+2>Dobrodošli na stranici za ljubitelje glagoljice</font> </html> \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ {{ :glagolica_zagreb_cathedra... anicu [[|mala početnica kurzivne glagoljice]] gospodina Da... ranica [[|»Od librarije«]] (O knjižnici). Po toj stranici s
- Glagolica Fonts & Co.
- =======Glagolica Fonts & Co.======= \\ \\ \\ \\ <html> <font size=+2>Willkommen auf der Webseite für Liebhaber der Glagolica</font> </html> \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ {{ :glagolica_zagreb_cathed... Seite [[|"Kleiner Einstieg in die kursive Glagolica"]] von... tseite [[|"Od librarije"]] (über die Bibliothek) sehr hilfr
- Glagolica Fonts & Co. @en
- ======Glagolica Fonts & Co.====== \\ \\ \\ \\ <html> <font size=+2>Welcome to the website for Glagolica lovers</font> </html> \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ {{ :glagolica_zagreb_cathedr... rinić [[|"Small Introduction to Cursive Glagolica"]]. It s... ebsite [[|"Od librarije"]] (About the library) was very hel
- Font »Arvatica fra Divković« @hidden
- ======Font »Arvatica fra Divković«====== \\ \\ ^<html> <font color=blue size=+1>Download-paket za sudio... ivkoviću u Zagrebu i Sarajevu 2016. god.</font> </html> ^ |[[
- DokuWiki @wiki
- licensed under [[|GNU General Public License]] Version 2. If you us
- Font »Croatica«
- am Besten mit\\ [[|{{
- Font »Croatica« @hr
- lje djeluje sa\\ [[|{{
- Font »Croatica« @en
- t works best with\\ [[|{{
- Font »Arvatica fra Divković«
- für die [[|kroatisch-kyrillische Schrift]] sind nach den gra
- Font »Glagolica Missal DPG«
- * als auch mit\\ [[|{{